Gifted Education
The Conneaut School District strives to work in partnership with staff, family, and community to advocate for students with outstanding gifts or talents. The objectives of the Gifted Program are as follows:
- the gifted learners will engage in challenging learning activities which respond to their individual needs and maximize their potential
- gifted learners will experience a learning environment characterized by peer, family, and staff support
- gifted learners and their families will understand the learners intellectual and affective needs and how these needs may be influenced by the learners gifts and or talent
Conneaut School District provides gifted education with various opportunities. These include
- elementary pull-out program - students from all attendance areas to work together on higher level thinking activities and engage in extension activities in their regular classrooms
- middle school students engage in extension activities in their regular classrooms and have the opportunity to attend an Arts Immersion/Critical Thinking Program at Allegheny College. This program offers classes in dance, music, theater, and scientific thinking.
- high school students engage in extension activities in their regular classrooms and may attend Project Enhance through Allegheny College. The students choose 3 classes from approximately 35 classes
Gifted Policy (review policy 114)